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Cybersecurity Awareness Training Consulting Services focus on equipping organizations with the knowledge and skills necessary to defend against cyber threats through a comprehensive, customized training program.

Emphasizing the effectiveness of customized in-person training over generic online, computer-based training, these services aim to create a cybersecurity-aware culture tailored to the specific risks, industry, and environment of the organization. Here’s how these consulting services typically unfold:

Needs Assessment and Customization


Risk and Threat Assessment:

Conducting a detailed assessment to identify the specific cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities the organization faces. This includes understanding the industry-specific risks, common attack vectors, and the organization's current cybersecurity posture.

Audience Analysis:

Evaluating the different roles within the organization to understand their specific training needs. Recognizing that different departments and levels of staff have varying levels of cybersecurity knowledge and exposure to risk, allowing for the customization of training content.

Customized Training Program Development:

Developing a tailored cybersecurity awareness training program that addresses the unique needs of the organization, its employees, and the specific threats it faces. Customization ensures relevancy, which significantly enhances the effectiveness of the training.

In-Person Training Advantages


Engagement and Interaction:

In-person training sessions facilitate higher levels of engagement and interaction between the trainer and participants. This interactive environment encourages questions, discussions, and clarifications, leading to a deeper understanding of cybersecurity practices.

Real-World Scenarios and Role-Playing:

Utilizing real-world scenarios and role-playing exercises to simulate common cyber threats and attacks. This hands-on approach helps participants understand how to apply cybersecurity principles in their daily activities, enhancing the retention of knowledge.

Immediate Feedback and Adaptation:

Trainers can provide immediate feedback and adapt the training based on the participants' responses and understanding. This dynamic approach allows for the clarification of complex concepts on the spot and ensures that all participants are on the same page.

Building a Cybersecurity Culture:

In-person training sessions contribute significantly to building a strong cybersecurity culture within the organization. They foster a sense of community and shared responsibility among employees to protect the organization from cyber threats.

Comprehensive Training Content


Basic Cybersecurity Principles:

Covering fundamental cybersecurity concepts, such as password security, phishing awareness, safe internet practices, and the importance of regular software updates.

Industry-Specific Threats:

Addressing threats and scenarios that are specifically relevant to the organization's industry, providing insights into targeted attacks and how to prevent them.

Hands-On Exercises:

Incorporating practical exercises, such as identifying phishing emails, secure browsing practices, and secure password creation. These exercises help to solidify the learning experience through practice.

Policy and Compliance:

Educating employees on the organization’s cybersecurity policies, procedures, and compliance requirements. This includes understanding data protection laws, privacy policies, and the legal implications of cybersecurity breaches.

Follow-Up, Evaluation, and Continuous Improvement


Feedback Collection:

Gathering feedback from participants to evaluate the effectiveness of the training, identify areas for improvement, and adapt future training sessions accordingly.

Post-Training Support:

Providing resources and support for employees to refer back to the training material, ask questions, and receive guidance on cybersecurity matters.

Continuous Learning:

Recommending a schedule for regular refresher courses and updates on new cybersecurity threats and practices, ensuring that the organization's cybersecurity knowledge remains current.



A comprehensive, customized cybersecurity awareness training program tailored to the organization's specific needs and risks.


Detailed training materials, including presentations, handouts, and practical exercise guidelines.


Post-training evaluation report highlighting feedback, effectiveness, and recommendations for future training sessions.

Choose Asylas for your cybersecurity needs, where your security is our top priority.

Cybersecurity Awareness Training Consulting Services, with an emphasis on customized, in-person training, significantly enhance an organization’s defense against cyber threats by engaging employees, providing relevant and practical knowledge, and fostering a proactive cybersecurity culture. This approach ensures that employees are not just aware of cybersecurity risks but are also equipped with the skills and knowledge to actively protect the organization.